The rear hall is in a very bad state of repair and plans have been put in place for a new hall to be built to replace the old damp Nissen hut. The plans have been drawn and over £250,000 has been raised, which according to our original quote was enough.
JUNE 2023 – We have now received three quotes for the rebuilding of the hall and as we expected these are far more than our original target.
We are now looking at a cost of £ 264,100 and so far have a total of just over £250,000 banked with more funds pledged as at 5th September 2023 . We do expect that the final cost will be more so need to continue to fund raise so that we have a healthy contingency should this be the case. We are currently looking into applying to various funding bodies as well as organising several exciting fund raising events. We are also looking to see if we qualify for a Rural Community Building Loan which is specifically for village halls who have almost reached their target and need a small amount to enable a project to start. This loan, if agreed, does not have to be used unless we need it and can be repaid in full at any point with no penalties. We are hoping not to have to take up this option!

Why do we need a new hall?
Fund raising has been going on for some years and is now at over £200,000. The funding team continue to raise funds necessary to achieve our goal and provide a new hall for future generations.