It has finally started, on the 22nd January 2024 work began to demolish the rear hall.
January 2025

The building work continues apace with stone cladding going on outside, flooring down and the kitchen has been delivered so we begin to look forward to reopening in March…..fingers crossed. The stone cladding to the front of the new hall, the tarmac and paving at the sides and the rear of the hall was funded by a grant from CLUP- The Community Levelling Up Programme (CLUP) supports community-level investment plans for Good Growth across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

October 2024
The roof is on and the windows are in so the building is watertight. First fix has begun and planning of the kitchen plumbing and heating are all in hand. We continue to fundraise as the costs keep mounting up…we are continuing to fundraise……..Can you help? Contact us or simply donate……Thank you.

After a hiatus in April when a party wall was found to be in need of immediate rebuilding at a cost of some £21, 000 work is now continuing apace with the timber frame being erected and repairs to the wall undertaken.