Residents & Visitors are welcome at all our activities.
Art Group 1st Monday of the month at 1pm

Book Group 2nd Monday of the Month at 2pm
This group has been active for many years, and currently has a membership of twelve. Discussion is often lively as different likes and attitudes are played out. We welcome new members, come and join us.

Indoor Bowls every Monday during the winter 7.30pm

Coffee Morning Every Thursday 10.30am-12pm
Open to all, come along for a coffee, tea and a chat. All for £1! This is one of our regular fundraising events.

Table Tennis Every Thursday 5.30pm
Open to all, beginners or experts! To book or for more information.

See our events page for our Supper Evenings, BBQs, Quizzes & Bingo nights amongst other things.
“Just to say thank you to you all and the Village Hall Committee for the wonderful British Food Evening last night.
The food was sensational such an amazing choice both main courses and puddings.
The atmosphere was buzzing and it was lovely to see everyone having a good time. A real pick me up in the current weather conditions.
Thank you all for the time, effort and hard work you put in to make it a success.”
Ann and Dennis
Breakfast Bacon Roll! 1st Sunday of every Month 10am-12pm
Join us for Breakfast, Bacon, Sausage, Egg Tea & Coffee all on offer from £5, and a raffle too